
Lucas Craftsmanship 465 West 38th Street Houston, Texas 77018 713-864-2510 $500-$1000

7 Smart Kitchen Technologies Perfect for A Modern Kitchen

We no longer talk about the future because we are living in it. These smartphones make our lives easy; how about moving a notch up and going for a high-tech kitchen? Let’s walk you through 7 modern changes that you can make in the most beloved living space of your house.

Modern Technologies to Add Up In Your Kitchen

Here are some options that you can ponder.

  1. Smart Screen
    There is nothing better than a smart screen in an automated kitchen. Think about all your recipes just a finger tap away. You no longer have to hang at the mercy of your children to step away from their shows for you to do your thing.
  2. Smart Home Speaker
    If adding more screens in your house does not seem like a good option, you can choose smart speakers. Asking questions, talking about ingredients, and searching for recipes are just a few of the many things you can do with it.
  3. Wi-Fi Fridge
    A refrigerator holds the most importance and a high stance in your among the appliances in your kitchen. It keeps your grocery chill and fresh for a long time; however, sometimes, you may forget that something is rotting in the back. That is where a smart, Wi-Fi installed fridge can come in handy. It beeps when you set alarms for food going bad or add an expiry date to your canned items.
  4. Smart Kitchen Garden
    Who does not want fresh veggies and herbs right at an arm’s stretch? It doesn’t matter if you do not have a big garden at your disposal; you can now get a small tiny, technology-friendly one right in your kitchen.
    The plants grow beautifully indoors, and the touchscreen provides all the information you need to keep up with the growth.
  5. Wireless Charging
    We need our smartphones for everything, even cooking food. Whether you want it for having a peek at your recipe or setting a timer for your oven, it is all on that gadget in your hand. So, a wireless charging option will help keep up with the battery needs.
  6. Smart Oven
    Cooking for an entire lot daily is a taxing responsibility and quite time-consuming. There is always much to do with so little time. In that situation, a smart oven can take some of the stress off your plate. With it, you access your oven controls directly from your smartphone from the bed or office.
  7. Touch Sensitive Sink and Faucets
    You need not worry about dirty hands touching your faucet again. More so, if you are prepping raw meat and do not want to spread the germs.

Closing Note

You can always get in touch with the professionals from Lucas Craftsman Inc. at 465 West 38th Street, Houston, Texas 77018; our representatives are just a call away (713) 864-2510

The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as an advice for any individual case or situation.


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Lucas Craftsmanship